9 Public Baths and 3 Footbaths (ashi-yu)

What is a Public Bath?
The history of public baths at Iizaka Onsen goes back over 1,000 years – the culture has been passed down over generations, and to this day, local people use the baths in their daily lives. The baths have survived as they not only function as places to bathe, but also as social meeting places for local people.
You will become an Iizaka connoisseur once you are settled in the steaming hot water. Try all 9 public baths and become an expert!

Public Bath Introductory level
Hako-Yu 波来湯
This public bath has a 1200-year history. The aging building was refurbished and reopened in January 2011, and is now very user-friendly. Two types of baths, a steaming hot water and a warm water bath, are available. Recommended as the first bath to try out at Iizaka Onsen.

Public Bath Intermediate level
The first public bath in Iizaka Onsen area. The interior of the bath is done in traditional Japanese style. Sabako-Yu is for those who want to try really hot water! Warning: it’s really hot. Recommended for those with previous onsen experience.

Public Baths Expert level
Here is a list of the public baths with fewer tourists, for real onsen experts.
Kiri-Yu切 湯
Adults:200 yen/Children:100 yen
Adults:200 yen/Children:100 yen
Adults:200 yen/Children:100 yen
Adults:200 yen/Children:100 yen
Adults:200 yen/Children:100 yen
Adults:200 yen/Children:100 yen
Adults:200 yen/Children:100 yen
A footbath is where you dip your feet in hot water.An easy way to enjoy hot water with your clothes on!
Kyu Horikiri-tei (The Old Horikiri Residence) Hand bath and Footpath旧堀切邸手湯足湯
Spacious hand bath (te-yu) and footbath (ashi-yu) located in Kyu Horikiri Tei (The Old Horikiri Residence). A hot spring with water direct from the source.

Hako-yu Koen波来湯公園
A footbath located inside the park and near the station. Warm yourself while waiting for the train!

Chanko Chanko-no-Yuちゃんこちゃんこの湯

Drink water before entering to prevent dehydration.
Only half immerse your body if you want to stay in the bath for a long time.
Take breaks to avoid dizziness caused by being in the hot water for too long.
Do not wash off the water, as onsen water has natural minerals that are good for your body.
Cleanse your body by pouring hot water over yourself before entering the bath. This will also help your body to become accustomed to the temperature of the hot water.
Do not bring towels into the bath.
Do not swim in the bath.
Do not go straight into the changing area while soaking wet. Lightly wipe the water off yourself after getting out of the bath.