Picking Fruit
Going a little further by taxi or rental bike will take you to Iizaka’s other attractions. You can try fruit picking, or go see beautiful nature, both of which are different from the experiences you get in central Iizaka.
Be active on your trip!
Taxi : Estimated time and price by taxi from Iizaka Onsen Station
Bicycle : Estimated time by bicycle from Iizaka Onsen Station
Bicycle : Estimated time by bicycle from Iizaka Onsen Station
Fruit CalendarYou can enjoy five different kinds of fruits depending on the season.

Fruit Lineフルーツライン
A place where you can enjoy picking seasonal fruit from June to November is the Prefectural Road # 5, also called the “Fruit Line”, as numerous fruit farms can be found alongside the road.
Taxi : 10-15 min. (1,500 yen)
Bicycle : 20-30 min.
Bicycle : 20-30 min.
*Destination reference: To the halfway point along the Fruit Line,where many farms are concentrated.
- CherriesJune – Mid – July
- PeachesJune – Mid – July
- GrapesMid-July – Mid – September
- PearsLate August – Mid – October
- ApplesLate August – Early December
*Please ask for details on fruit farms at the Iizaka Onsen Tourist Association located opposite Iizaka Onsen Station.
1. Marusei Fruit Farmまるせい果樹園024-542-0679
2. Kuruma Farmくるま農園024-542-4793
3. Magariya Fruit Farm曲屋果樹園024-542-6085
4. Maruka Farmまるか園024-542-7812
5. Azuma Fruit Farmあづま果樹園024-542-1460(Sales Shop)
024-542-4880(Home) -
6. Marue Tourist Fruit Farmまるえ観光果樹園024-558-0516
7. Marugen Fruit Farmまるげん果樹園024-558-3523
You can also order fruit via the internet, at the farms below
Anzai Fruit Farm(株)安斎果樹園024-529-7277
Yoshiro Sato Fruit Farm佐藤善郎果樹園024-542-8123
Daikokuya Fruit Farm大黒屋果樹園024-558-0769
Fruit Shop Ito Farm(株)フルーツのいとう園024-542-7071
User Guide
About 2 taxis are normally on stand-by in front of Iizaka Onsen station.
Please ask for bicycle information at Iizaka Onsen Station
You can’t use a bicycle on the day when it rains.
●Momorin Rent-a-cycle
- Hours : 9:00-19:00
- Fee : Free
- Number of Bicycles Available : 10 (including 1 with a rear seat for a child)
●Fukushima Transport, Electric Rent-a-Cycle
- Hours : 9:00-19:00 (open throughout the year)
- Rental Time : 4 hours per rental
- Fee : 300 yen
- Number of Bicycles : Available 10 (including 1 with a rear seat for a child)